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Noah Shoaf


  • B.A. in Political Science / Brigham Young University–Hawaii / 2018-2021 / summa cum laude (3.99 GPA)

  • Minor in Theatre, certifications in Legal Studies, Intercultural Peacebuilding, International Development

  • Accepted to present an experimental design on racial biases within criminal sentencing at Midwest Political Science Conference, accepted to represent BYUH at Washington, D.C. field study

  • Lead role in the touring theatre production of "Green Lady," "Baby John" in "West Side Story"

Teaching Assistant / BYU-Hawaii / Laie, Hawaii, USA                           8/2020-12/2021            

  • Created a framework for writing research papers, and tutored students weekly in a difficult writing course

  • Graded qualitative and quantitative research papers on strict deadlines, providing constructive feedback 

U.S. State Department Intern / U.S. Embassy Banjul / Remote              2/2021-4/2021 

  • Designed branded graphics using Adobe Illustrator for COVID-19 social media campaign and reviewed grant applications for compliance and alignment to Embassy goals

  • Showed an understanding of geopolitical issues occurring in The Gambia by editing daily media summaries that were distributed to over 150 people 

  • Attracted over 1,000 participants in two Facebook live stream presentations, exposing Gambians to the State Department’s commitment to women representation in government and development

Co-Editor-In-Chief / Ke Alaka’i / Laie, Hawaii, USA                                       4/2020-8/2020 

  • Tracked productivity and motivation levels of global team of 25 content creators remotely during COVID-19 pandemic, while managing a full course load and another full-time job

  • Reviewed factual accuracy and AP style consistency on 10 news and feature stories a week for 19 hours 

  • Ke Alaka'i Instagram Admin: monitored analytics and traffic sources, created engaging daily posts by photographing events, compiling videos, and developing a consistent social media brand 

  • Implemented “breaking news” posting strategy, resulting in 250+ new followers, 50+ more likes

Multimedia Journalist / Ke Alaka’i / Laie, Hawaii, USA                                  8/2018-4/2020

  • Wrote three engaging stories a week– student features, campus and community events, and editorials

  • Published a story on LGBTQ+ discrimination at school, and the campus response led to administration to make LGBTQ+ policy accessible on the University's website

  • LGBTQ+ article won Top 10 Diversity Story of the Year in the nationwide ACP Pacemaker awards and eventually led to creation of LGTBQ+ Chapter that is now a safe space for over 200 members 

Copy Editing • Quantitative Analysis using Stata commands • Social Media Management • Interviewing Transformative Mediation • Legal Drafting • Video Production • Public Management •  Content Creation

BYUH Prelaw Society / VP of Communications, Academics and Service        1/2019-12/2021

  • Doubled number of Instagram followers, led monthly study sessions to prepare students for LSAT

Affirmation Hawaii / VP of Activities                                                              2/2021-12/2021

  • Coordinated suicide prevention workshop, connected isolated students to diverse LGBTQ community

Ho`ōla Nā Pua / Certified Volunteer                                                               7/2019-/12/2021

  • Recruited 25+ volunteers, wrote for monthly newsletter, cleaned grounds for Special Treatment Facility

TedxLaie / Website Manager                                                                          1/2020-Present 

  • Designed new website optimizing for SEO, migrated Tedx footage into an accessible platform

Eagle Rank in Boy Scouts • Pi Sigma Alpha • University Honor Role • Mock Supreme Court Trial Top Appellant Argument • Gold Medalist and National Qualifier for FCCLA Service Portfolio • Hoosier Boys State Delegate • 10 Year 4-H Member • Honorary Member of Thespian Troupe No. 1233 

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