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Noah Shoaf • •
B.A. in Political Science / Brigham Young University–Hawaii / 2018-2021 / summa cum laude (3.99 GPA)
Minor in Theatre, certifications in Legal Studies, Intercultural Peacebuilding, International Development
Accepted to present an experimental design on racial biases within criminal sentencing at Midwest Political Science Conference, accepted to represent BYUH at Washington, D.C. field study
Lead role in the touring theatre production of "Green Lady," "Baby John" in "West Side Story"
Teaching Assistant / BYU-Hawaii / Laie, Hawaii, USA 8/2020-12/2021
Created a framework for writing research papers, and tutored students weekly in a difficult writing course
Graded qualitative and quantitative research papers on strict deadlines, providing constructive feedback
U.S. State Department Intern / U.S. Embassy Banjul / Remote 2/2021-4/2021
Designed branded graphics using Adobe Illustrator for COVID-19 social media campaign and reviewed grant applications for compliance and alignment to Embassy goals
Showed an understanding of geopolitical issues occurring in The Gambia by editing daily media summaries that were distributed to over 150 people
Attracted over 1,000 participants in two Facebook live stream presentations, exposing Gambians to the State Department’s commitment to women representation in government and development
Co-Editor-In-Chief / Ke Alaka’i / Laie, Hawaii, USA 4/2020-8/2020
Tracked productivity and motivation levels of global team of 25 content creators remotely during COVID-19 pandemic, while managing a full course load and another full-time job
Reviewed factual accuracy and AP style consistency on 10 news and feature stories a week for 19 hours
Ke Alaka'i Instagram Admin: monitored analytics and traffic sources, created engaging daily posts by photographing events, compiling videos, and developing a consistent social media brand
Implemented “breaking news” posting strategy, resulting in 250+ new followers, 50+ more likes
Multimedia Journalist / Ke Alaka’i / Laie, Hawaii, USA 8/2018-4/2020
Wrote three engaging stories a week– student features, campus and community events, and editorials
Published a story on LGBTQ+ discrimination at school, and the campus response led to administration to make LGBTQ+ policy accessible on the University's website
LGBTQ+ article won Top 10 Diversity Story of the Year in the nationwide ACP Pacemaker awards and eventually led to creation of LGTBQ+ Chapter that is now a safe space for over 200 members
Copy Editing • Quantitative Analysis using Stata commands • Social Media Management • Interviewing Transformative Mediation • Legal Drafting • Video Production • Public Management • Content Creation
BYUH Prelaw Society / VP of Communications, Academics and Service 1/2019-12/2021
Doubled number of Instagram followers, led monthly study sessions to prepare students for LSAT
Affirmation Hawaii / VP of Activities 2/2021-12/2021
Coordinated suicide prevention workshop, connected isolated students to diverse LGBTQ community
Ho`ōla Nā Pua / Certified Volunteer 7/2019-/12/2021
Recruited 25+ volunteers, wrote for monthly newsletter, cleaned grounds for Special Treatment Facility
TedxLaie / Website Manager 1/2020-Present
Designed new website optimizing for SEO, migrated Tedx footage into an accessible platform
Eagle Rank in Boy Scouts • Pi Sigma Alpha • University Honor Role • Mock Supreme Court Trial Top Appellant Argument • Gold Medalist and National Qualifier for FCCLA Service Portfolio • Hoosier Boys State Delegate • 10 Year 4-H Member • Honorary Member of Thespian Troupe No. 1233
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